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Up Next in Season 1

  • Eternal Playtime

    "Some children's imaginary friends are not that imaginary" The DAR House of Mobile, Alabama is a historic location for weddings and dinner parties. But it was originally a house built by a sea captain for his family.

    Do they still call it home? There have been many reports of ghostly activity w...

  • Echoes of War

    "The War is over but the battle continues!" Fort Morgan and Fort Blakeley were once home to many soldiers and slaves. For some of them, it was their permanent home, as they didn’t make it out alive. Do they continue to fight amongst the battlefields in the afterlife? Second Sight Paranormal TV an...

  • Bon Secour: Spirits of the River

    "When the river's fog rolls out, the spirits come ashore!" The Swift-Coles House is one of the most beautiful sights of Bon Secour, Alabama but comes with a haunted history. The home was originally owned by Charles and Susan Swift, who not only had many children, but they entertained many guests....