Disembodied Voices welcomes screenwriter and author, Anna Maria Manalo. Anna is a top-rated author of three non-fiction books found on Amazon. Her writings document various haunted accounts from people willing to come forth to share from around the world.
Up Next in Season 1
Dale White
Disembodied Voices welcomes Dale White, known to many as “the Orbologist.” Dale has documented his experiences for years witnessing and photographing ufo’s, having interactions with plasma creatures, elementals, and orbs. Dale is a ufo craft beam experiencer.
James Hershey Jr
Disembodied Voices welcomes James Hershey Jr., horror author. James has written a trilogy of personal accounts reflective of horrific visions he has when dreaming. Dr. Kelly learns about his beginnings, ufo’s, aliens, bigfoot encounter, sea mermaids, uso’s, and black hole theories.