The Nightmare Project
3 Seasons
The Nightmare project brings to the screen three brothers on a mission to uncover truth most consider a nightmare-- a paranormal reality series. Featuring investigators Dominic Morales, D'angelo Morales, and Luciano Morales.
19:27Episode 1
The Bullion Plaza School
Episode 1
The Bullion Plaza school was built in 1923 and was operational until closing its doors in 1994.
The Bullion Plaza school is known to the locals as a paranormal hot spot. With reports from former students and staff experiencing unexplained voices, furniture moving, and seeing apparitions inside ...
18:29Episode 2
The Young Men's Christian Association
Episode 2
For many years strange events have been reported to take place at The Young Men's Christian Association of Miami, Arizona. The Young Men's Christian Association built in 1917 is at the center of many local legends and ghost stories with much of the building's history left un-recorded.
With repor...
18:13Episode 3
Globe Train Depot Part 1
Episode 3
The Nightmare Project is back in Globe, Arizona to investigate The Globe Train Depot.
The Train Depot, built in 1916, has a long and eerie history including documented suicides inside the building as well as along the train tracks.
During World War 1 and 2, the train station temporarily stored ... -
19:28Episode 4
Globe Train Depot Part 2
Episode 4
In the season 2 Finale, The Nightmare Project is back in Globe, Arizona to investigate The Globe Train Depot.
The Train Depot built in 1916 has a long and eerie history, with documented suicides inside the building as well as along the train tracks.
During WWI and WWII, the train station tempora... -
18:31Episode 5
The Casa Grande Domes
Episode 5
The abandoned dome shaped buildings left crumbling in the Arizona desert were once used as a site for satanic ceremonies and rituals. The land the buildings were built upon has long been said to be cursed. Many believe that during the satanic ceremonies a portal to the dark side was opened and ha...
The Young Men’s Christian Association (Trailer)
For many years strange events have been reported to take place at The Young Men's Christian Association of Miami, Arizona. The Young Men's Christian Association built in 1917 is at the center of many local legends and ghost stories with much of the building's history left un-recorded.
With repor...