Paranormal In The Funhouse
Mount Jackson
Season 1, Episode 1
Independent, Reality, Special Interest, L (Coarse Language), 21-Mar-2021
This is another episode with the same medium who came in contact with Paranormal in the Funhouse for the first episode and gave us this location as well. There are occurrences like hearing voices or noises in this house when there is no one else around and the feeling of a presence. The German woman who was living here lived half of her life here in VA but later died in MD. They believe that she still roams her home in VA. Her name was Ingrid. They not only come in contact with Ingrid but also have an encounter with something also evil, which felt conjured there.
Up Next in Season 1
Front Royal Virginia
A medium by the name of Crystal contacted us of a location here in VA which was her home a apartment with the claims of paranormal activity,
such as the neighbor downstairs with photos on the security camera capturing a amazing full apparition of a women as well as Poltergeist activity. This apar... -
Cry Baby Bridge
Located In Maryland, Cry Baby Bridge holds the tale of the Goat Man. This bridge also carries the energy of a women who took her own life and her baby's life as well. In this episode, a guest by the name of Joseph Holbrook came from KY to help Paranormal in the Funhouse with this 2-part episode o...
Baltimore Demon House
Baltimore Maryland Demon house, also known as Gundry Sanitarium from South West Baltimore City, was built in the 1900's as a medical institution. This structure was originally a nursing home before it was a private medical center until the year 2000, where It then became a hospital for children. ...